
We are a family business dedicated to the production of dairy products, offering top-quality products. Exporting milk and whey powder.

With a strong determination to make significant investments in technology and a commitment to achieving excellence in our entire product line, Sombrero y Cagnolo has achieved remarkable expansion in the domestic market, as well as in more than 40 countries around the world. These include China, Algeria, the Dominican Republic, Pakistan, Angola, Brazil, Venezuela, Egypt, and many others.

At the beginning of May 1962, the Sobrero y Cagnolo S.A. dairy company started its activities as a manufacturer of hard cheeses. Located in San Marcos Sud, in the Departmento Unión in Córdoba province, 200 km. southeast of the capital city and 480 km. northwest of Buenos Aires, at that time the daily milk collection reached 1,000 litres.

Aiming to further consolidate its position in the sector by optimising the raw material used in its dairy plant, its owners bought a dairy farm in 1984 and at the same time rented another in the neighbouring area. In 1998, they finally set up the limited company SyC Tambos.

From its beginning, SyC Tambos has been focused on obtaining cows with high genetic value and excellent quality for industrial milk production, driving a strong expansion process. Currently, the company operates on 4,000 hectares of land, with 3,000 hectares dedicated to dairy farming and animal breeding, while the remaining area is used for agriculture. Sixty percent of these hectares are located along National Route No. 9, just 4 km from the town of San Marcos Sud in Córdoba.

Since 2007, the company has been fattening the Argentine Holando steers, and currently has a herd of around 4,000 animals, with an annual average of 1,900 milking cows and a total of 2,300 mothers.

SyC Tambos’ current average milk production is 44,000 litres of milk per day per year, with figures of around 50,000 litres in seasonal periods.

In 2007, an overall average of 24 litres of milk per day was obtained from each of the 2,300 mothers, while in 2008[1] , it is planned to reach 26 litres per day, through an innovative strategy that proposes replacing the traditional feeding system in some dairy farms with a free stall or semi-free stall system, which involves a mixture of pasture and stall feeding.

It is worth noting that the company based in the south of the province of Córdoba owns 10 dairy farms. In fact, one of the most renowned is the Cabaña Don Nura, whose average production in the group called “rodeo de punta” – comprising 80 cows – is 44 litres per day in the months of August, September and October, while the other group of 200 cows has a daily average of approximately 33 litres.

El sitio está escrito en 2007. Encontramos varias instancias en la que habla del 2008 como futuro. Quizás sea necesaria revisión del original.

Cremac – Sobrero y Cagnolo

Cabaña Don Nura not only breeds pedigree animals that compete in various national shows but also carries out embryo transplants and prepares bulls for sale. In this matter, the sale of breeding stock both in the province of Córdoba and in national mega-shows averages 60 bulls per year.

Since the year 2000, our genetic advisors have encouraged us to prepare animals to compete in exhibitions in order to promote the genetic quality of our breeding stock. That is why we have participated in livestock and commercial exhibitions, in which we show our productive potential, such as the traditional ERICCA (Rural, Industrial and Commercial Exhibition of Central Argentina), in the premises of the Rural Society of Villa Maria; AgroActiva, which since 2007 takes place in the Establishment “Don Juan”, located on Route 9, km. 631, in the city of Oncativo; the Expo Rural of the Rural Society of Canals; the Expo Molle, in the locality of Pozo del Molle; the Holando Argentino Exhibition in La Playosa; the Mercoláctea and the Agricultural, Industrial and Commercial Exhibition of San Francisco, both based in the Rural Society of San Francisco; the Interprovincial Dairy Exhibition (MIL) in Morteros; and the Rural Exhibition of Palermo in the city of Buenos Aires.

It is worth noting that not every year are the exhibition animals in a position to compete, as they are rigorously and professionally prepared to arrive both on time and in good shape to those shows that we consider to be of greater importance. However, it can be said that we are once again in a position to compete.
SyC Tambos S.A., as part of its business philosophy, strives to satisfy its customers’ expectations by producing the highest quality products. This approach involves a rigorous process that begins at each dairy farm and has earned them multiple awards over time.

Among the most recent, we can mention that in the 75th Agricultural, Industrial and Commercial Exhibition, which took place in the Rural Society of San Francisco in 2007, Cabaña La Nura won the 1st Champion Prize with Don Mingo Maya 65 Integrity, in the 2-year-old Senior cow category; 1st Champion Prize with Don Mingo Teacher 150 Mark Star, in the 3 year-old Senior cow category; and 1st Champion Prize with Don Mingo Grazia Emory 312 Manager, in the adult cow category.
